A design system for building faithful recreations of old UIs.
7.css is a CSS framework for building interface components that look like Windows 7.
It is built on top of the GUI backbone of XP.css,
which is an extension of 98.css.
My First Program
Hello, world!
This framework relies on the usage of semantic HTML. To make a button, you'll need
to use a <button>. Input elements require labels. Tabs rely on the role="tab"
This page will guide you through that process, but accessibility is a primary goal of this project.
You can override many of the styles of your elements while maintaining the appearance provided by
this framework. Need more padding on your buttons? Go for it. Need to add some color to your input labels?
Be our guest.
This framework does not contain any JavaScript, it merely styles your HTML with some CSS.
This means 7.css is compatible with your frontend framework of choice.
Installation / Usage
The fastest way to use 7.css is to import it from unpkg.
In case you need 7.css to coexist with another CSS/styling framework, you may use the 7.scoped.css
stylesheet instead to scope the styling within a win7 class.
A balloon is a small pop-up window that informs users
of a non-critical problem or special condition in a control.
A balloon or tooltip can be created using the role="tooltip" attribute.
A balloon is better known as tooltip in web development.
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<divrole="tooltip">A balloon is better known as tooltip in web development.</div>
A control may bind to a balloon with the aria-describedby attribute.
You will need to set up an event for the control to trigger the balloon.
Press Backspace to dismiss
Show code
<inputtype="text"placeholder="Press Enter"aria-describedby="balloon-password" /><divrole="tooltip"id="balloon-password"hidden>Press Backspace to dismiss</div>
To change the position of the balloon, which subsequently change the placement of its tail, combine
the respective vertical and horizontal classes:
Vertical: .is-top / .is-bottom
Horizontal: .is-left / .is-right
This balloon is positioned bottom right of the source control (default behavior).
This balloon is positioned bottom left of the source control.
This balloon is positioned top left of the source control.
This balloon is positioned top right of the source control.
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<divrole="tooltip">This balloon is positioned bottom right of the source control (default behavior).</div><divrole="tooltip"class="is-bottom is-left">This balloon is positioned bottom left of the source control.</div><divrole="tooltip"class="is-top is-left">This balloon is positioned top left of the source control.</div><divrole="tooltip"class="is-top is-right">This balloon is positioned top right of the source control.</div>
A command button, also referred to as a push button, is a control
that causes the application to perform some action when the user clicks it.
A standard button measures 75px wide and 23px tall with 12px of horizontal padding by default.
They are styled with 2 shades of gray as a vertical gradient.
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<button>Click me</button>
When buttons are clicked, the gray gradient is shifted to corresponding sky blues.
The following button is simulated to be in the pressed (active) state.
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<button>I am being pressed</button>
Disabled buttons have solid background and lighter border.
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<buttondisabled>I cannot be clicked</button>
Button focus is communicated with a dotted border, set 4px within the contents of the button.
The following example is simulated to be focused.
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<button>I am focused</button>
A default button (in Windows, hitting the Enter key in a dialog context triggers the button)
has a greenish-blue border and a light blue gradient shade.
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<buttonclass="default">I am the one!</button>
The button styles are also applied to the file input element.
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<inputtype="file" />
A check box represents an independent or non-exclusive choice.
Checkboxes are represented with a sunken panel, populated with a "check" icon when
selected, next to a label indicating the choice.
Note: You must include a corresponding label after
your checkbox, using the <label> element with a for attribute
pointed at the id of your input. This ensures the checkbox is easy to use with
assistive technologies, on top of ensuring a good user experience for all (navigating with the tab key,
being able to click the entire label to select the box).
Show code
<inputtype="checkbox"id="example1"><labelfor="example1">This is a checkbox</label>
Checkboxes can be selected and disabled with the standard checked and disabled
When grouping inputs, wrap each input in a container with the field-row class. This ensures
a consistent spacing between inputs.
Show code
<divclass="field-row"><inputcheckedtype="checkbox"id="example2"><labelfor="example2">I am checked</label></div><divclass="field-row"><inputdisabledtype="checkbox"id="example3"><labelfor="example3">I am inactive</label></div><divclass="field-row"><inputcheckeddisabledtype="checkbox"id="example4"><labelfor="example4">I am inactive but still checked</label></div>
Users can show or hide additional information including data, options, or commands.
A collapsible section can be created using the elements details and
Expand me to see something interesting
🎉 Tadah!
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<details><summary>Expand me to see something interesting</summary><p>🎉 Tadah!</p></details>
Add an open attribute to expand the content by default.
I open myself willingly
This is my family
This is my house
This is my car
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<detailsopen><summary>I open myself willingly</summary><ul><li>This is my family</li><li>This is my house</li><li>This is my car</li></ul></details>
A combo box is a combination of a standard list box or a drop-down list
and an editable text box, thus allowing users to enter a value that isn't in the list.
To render a combo box, use a text input, a button,
a parent ul, and children li together,
wrapped inside a container element with the combobox class.
For accessibility, follow the minimum requirements as below:
Add a role="combobox" attribute to the text input
Add a role="listbox" attribute to the ul
Add a role="option" attribute to each li
Specify the relationship between the list box and the text box by combining
the id of the listbox with the aria-owns attribute
on the text input
For more options of the list box, see the ListBox section.
A drop-down list box allows the selection of only a
single item from a list. In its closed state, the control displays
the current value for the control. The user opens the list to change
the value.
Dropdowns can be rendered by using the select and option
Show code
<select><option>5 - Incredible!</option><option>4 - Great!</option><option>3 - Pretty good</option><option>2 - Not so great</option><option>1 - Unfortunate</option></select>
By default, the first option will be selected. You can change this by
giving one of your option elements the selected
Show code
<select><option>5 - Incredible!</option><option>4 - Great!</option><optionselected>3 - Pretty good</option><option>2 - Not so great</option><option>1 - Unfortunate</option></select>
A group box is a special control you can use to organize a set of
controls. A group box is a rectangular frame with an optional label that surrounds
a set of controls.
A group box can be used by wrapping your elements with the fieldset tag.
It contains a sunken outer border and a raised inner border, resembling an engraved box
around your controls.
The latter offers more flexibility over using a mere select element.
Choose the one that is more appropriate depending on your context or use case.
To add a drop shadow to the list box, use the has-shadow class.
To add a hovering style on the list box items (using role attribute only),
use the has-hover class.
Here's another example showcasing advanced usage, for example:
The handling of long text (using the width property of the
table to limit the width)
Using the has-shadow class to add a shadow to the table
Flipping the column header sort indicator by adding the
up class
Changing text alignment using the text-align property
The highlighted column header style without sort indicator
(I didn't want to add another table just for that)
Original Location
Date deleted
3/29/2007 12:00 AM
4 KB
File Folder
Windows Vista User Experience Guidelines
D:\Users\user\Documents\Windows Vista User Experience Guidelines
3/29/2007 12:00 AM
0 KB
File Folder
AutoRecovery save of Document.asd
D:\Users\user\Documents\AutoRecovery save of Document.asd
3/23/2007 12:00 AM
27 KB
ASD File
AutoRecovery save of Tree Views.asd
D:\Users\user\Documents\AutoRecovery save of Tree Views.asd
3/13/2007 12:00 AM
693 KB
ASD File
3/29/2007 12:00 AM
2 KB
HTML Document
Show code
<tableclass="has-shadow"style="width: 460px"><thead><tr><th>Name</th><th>Original Location</th><thclass="highlighted">Date deleted</th><th>Size</th><thclass="highlighted indicator up">Type</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>contents_files</td><td>D:\Users\user\Documents\contents_files</td><td>3/29/2007 12:00 AM</td><tdstyle="text-align: right">4 KB</td><td>File Folder</td></tr><tr><td>Windows Vista User Experience Guidelines</td><td>
D:\Users\user\Documents\Windows Vista User Experience Guidelines
</td><td>3/29/2007 12:00 AM</td><tdstyle="text-align: right">0 KB</td><td>File Folder</td></tr><tr><td>AutoRecovery save of Document.asd</td><td>D:\Users\user\Documents\AutoRecovery save of Document.asd</td><td>3/23/2007 12:00 AM</td><tdstyle="text-align: right">27 KB</td><td>ASD File</td></tr><tr><td>AutoRecovery save of Tree Views.asd</td><td>
D:\Users\user\Documents\AutoRecovery save of Tree Views.asd
</td><td>3/13/2007 12:00 AM</td><tdstyle="text-align: right">693 KB</td><td>ASD File</td></tr><tr><td>contents</td><td>D:\Users\user\Documents\contents</td><td>3/29/2007 12:00 AM</td><tdstyle="text-align: right">2 KB</td><td>HTML Document</td></tr></tbody></table>
The following components compose a complete navigation menu, also known as Navbar.
Menus are hierarchical lists of commands or options available to users in the current context.
A menu can be rendered using a composition of a parent ul and child items
li, role="menu" and role="menuitem" attributes
must be specified on the ul and li respectively.
If a menu item has a submenu, add an aria-haspopup="true" attribute to it
to render a caret indicator.
To make the menu focusable, specify the tabindex attributes on the items.
Alternatively, you can use an a to achieve the same.
<ulrole="menu"style="width: 200px"><lirole="menuitem"tabindex="0"aria-haspopup="true">View</li><lirole="menuitem"tabindex="0"aria-haspopup="true">
Sort by
<ulrole="menu"><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menu">Name</a></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menu">Size</a></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menu">Item type</a></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menu">Date modified</a></li></ul></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menu">Refresh</a></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menu">Paste</a></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menu">Paste shortcut</a></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menu">Screen resolution</a></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menu">Gadgets</a></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menu">Personalize</a></li></ul>
By default, the submenu is only shown when the linked item is focused/clicked.
To add the hovering/mouse-over trigger, you can add a can-hover
class to the root container.
Use a has-divider class to make a horizontal line after the menu item.
Disable a menu item by placing an aria-disabled attribute on it.
You may associate a menu item with an icon by using the img element.
(Icons provided by Icons8)
Open <span>Ctrl+O</span></a></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menubar">
Save <span>Ctrl+S</span></a></li><lirole="menuitem"class="has-divider"><ahref="#menubar">
Save As... <span>Ctrl+Shift+S</span></a></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menubar">Exit</a></li></ul></li><lirole="menuitem"tabindex="0"aria-haspopup="true">
<ulrole="menu"><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menubar">Undo</a></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menubar">Copy</a></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menubar">Cut</a></li><lirole="menuitem"class="has-divider"><ahref="#menubar">Paste</a></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menubar">Delete</a></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menubar">Find...</a></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menubar">Replace...</a></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menubar">Go to...</a></li></ul></li><lirole="menuitem"tabindex="0"aria-haspopup="true">
<ulrole="menu"><lirole="menuitem"><button>Zoom In</button></li><lirole="menuitem"><button>Zoom Out</button></li></ul></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menubar">Status Bar</a></li></ul></li><lirole="menuitem"tabindex="0"aria-haspopup="true">
<ulrole="menu"><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menubar">View Help</a></li><lirole="menuitem"><ahref="#menubar">About</a></li></ul></li></ul>
An option button, also referred to as a radio button, represents a single
choice within a limited set of mutually exclusive choices. That is, the user can choose only
one set of options.
Option buttons can be used via the radio type on an input element.
Option buttons can be grouped by specifying a shared name attribute on each
input. Just as before: when grouping inputs, wrap each input in a container with the
field-row class to ensure a consistent spacing between inputs.
Option buttons can also be checked and disabled with their corresponding
HTML attributes.
Show code
<divclass="field-row"><inputid="radio19"type="radio"name="second-example"><labelfor="radio19">Peanut butter should be smooth</label></div><divclass="field-row"><inputcheckeddisabledid="radio20"type="radio"name="second-example"><labelfor="radio20">I understand why people like crunchy peanut butter</label></div><divclass="field-row"><inputdisabledid="radio21"type="radio"name="second-example"><labelfor="radio21">Crunchy peanut butter is good</label></div>
A common control that displays the progress of a particular operation as a graphical bar.
Progress bars can be created with a div using role="progressbar",
and another nested div is required to make the inner bar.
Specify the width of the inner bar to indicate the progress.
For accessibility, you might want to specify the respective aria-* attributes.
Refer to MDN
for more information.
To create an indeterminate progress bar, add a marquee class
and remove the nested div.
Show code
A control that allows users to scroll the content of a window, either vertically or horizontally.
To override the browser scrollbar's system styling for a particular section, add a has-scrollbar
class to the container element.
Note that this only works with WebKit-based browsers.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nibh massa, viverra non velit vitae,
scelerisque venenatis risus. Sed posuere risus tellus, sit amet vehicula nunc venenatis ut.
Nunc convallis augue eget odio imperdiet, eu consequat massa fringilla consectetur eleifend.
Curabitur in egestas justo, vel fermentum ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit.
Cras ullamcorper non nibh et placerat. Nullam ornare lectus eget consequat dignissim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nibh massa, viverra non velit vitae,
scelerisque venenatis risus. Sed posuere risus tellus, sit amet vehicula nunc venenatis ut.
Nunc convallis augue eget odio imperdiet, eu consequat massa fringilla consectetur eleifend.
Curabitur in egestas justo, vel fermentum ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit.
Cras ullamcorper non nibh et placerat. Nullam ornare lectus eget consequat dignissim.
Show code
<divclass="has-scrollbar"style="width: 300px; height: 150px; overflow: auto">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nibh massa, viverra non velit vitae,
scelerisque venenatis risus. Sed posuere risus tellus, sit amet vehicula nunc venenatis ut.
Nunc convallis augue eget odio imperdiet, eu consequat massa fringilla consectetur eleifend.
Curabitur in egestas justo, vel fermentum ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit.
Cras ullamcorper non nibh et placerat. Nullam ornare lectus eget consequat dignissim.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In nibh massa, viverra non velit vitae,
scelerisque venenatis risus. Sed posuere risus tellus, sit amet vehicula nunc venenatis ut.
Nunc convallis augue eget odio imperdiet, eu consequat massa fringilla consectetur eleifend.
Curabitur in egestas justo, vel fermentum ante. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur elit.
Cras ullamcorper non nibh et placerat. Nullam ornare lectus eget consequat dignissim.
With a Search box, users can quickly locate specific objects or text within a large set of data by
filtering or highlighting matches.
There are 2 variants of the search box available.
An instant search, where the results are displayed immediately as the user types, can be rendered
just by specifying a type="search" attribute on an input element:
Show code
<inputtype="search"placeholder="Search" />
A regular search, where a search is performed when the user clicks the search button, requires
a search input and a button wrapped inside a container a container element with the class searchbox.
A slider, sometimes called a trackbar control, consists of a bar that
defines the extent or range of the adjustment and an indicator that
shows the current value for the control...
Sliders can rendered by specifying a range type on an
input element.
You can make use of the has-box-indicator class replace the
default indicator with a box indicator, furthermore the slider can be wrapped
with a div using is-vertical to display the input vertically.
Note: To change the length of a vertical slider, the input width
and div height.
A spinner or loader, also referred as
is a type of progress control to indicate that an operation is underway
and its completion time is unknown.
To render a spinner element, use either a spinner or a loader
class. To animate the spinner, add an animate class.
For accessibility, we use an aria-label attribute with a desired text
to inform assistive technologies about the presence of the spinner.
Show code
<spanclass="spinner"aria-label="Spinning"></span><spanclass="loader"aria-label="Loading"></span><spanclass="loader animate"aria-label="Processing your request"></span>
Tabs provide a way to present related information on separate labeled pages.
Creating tabs
To create a tab, use a menu element with role="tablist".
Then for the tab titles, use a button with role="tab", and set the aria-controls attribute to
the corresponding id of the element with role="tabpanel".
Add the justified class to the tablist menu to make the tabs, well, justified.
Disabled Tab
This tab is disabled, so you should not be able to read this.
Show code
<sectionclass="tabs"style="max-width: 500px"><menurole="tablist"aria-label="Sample Tabs"><buttonrole="tab"aria-controls="tab-A"aria-selected="true">Instruction</button><buttonrole="tab"aria-controls="tab-B">Example</button><buttonrole="tab"aria-controls="tab-C">More instruction</button><buttonrole="tab"aria-controls="tab-D"disabled>Disabled Tab</button></menu><!-- the tab content --><articlerole="tabpanel"id="tab-A"><h3>Creating tabs</h3><p>
To create a tab, use a <code>menu</code> element with <code>role="tablist"</code>.
Then for the tab titles, use a <code>button</code> with <code>role="tab"</code>, and set the <code>aria-controls</code> attribute to
the corresponding id of the element with <code>role="tabpanel"</code>.
Read more at <ahref="https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/Tab_Role"target="_blank">MDN Web docs - ARIA: tab role</a></p></article><articlerole="tabpanel"id="tab-B"hidden><h3>More...</h3><p>This tab contains a GroupBox</p><fieldset><legend>Today's mood</legend><divclass="field-row"><inputid="radio22"type="radio"name="fieldset-example2"><labelfor="radio22">Claire Saffitz</label></div><divclass="field-row"><inputid="radio23"type="radio"name="fieldset-example2"><labelfor="radio23">Brad Leone</label></div><divclass="field-row"><inputid="radio24"type="radio"name="fieldset-example2"><labelfor="radio24">Chris Morocco</label></div><divclass="field-row"><inputid="radio25"type="radio"name="fieldset-example2"><labelfor="radio25">Carla Lalli Music</label></div></fieldset></article><articlerole="tabpanel"id="tab-C"hidden><h3>Disabling tabs</h3><p>Simply add a <code>disabled</code> attribute on the tab.</p><h3>Justified tabs</h3><p>Add the <code>justified</code> class to the <code>tablist</code> menu to make the tabs, well, justified.</p></article><articlerole="tabpanel"id="tab-D"hidden><h3>Disabled Tab</h3><p>This tab is disabled, so you should not be able to read this.</p></article></section>
A simplified template is as below:
Tab A is activeTab B is activeTab C is activeTab D is inactive
Show code
<sectionclass="tabs"><menurole="tablist"aria-label="Tabs Template"><buttonrole="tab"aria-controls="tab-A"aria-selected="true">Tab A</button><buttonrole="tab"aria-controls="tab-B">Tab B</button><buttonrole="tab"aria-controls="tab-C">Tab C</button><buttonrole="tab"aria-controls="tab-D"disabled>Tab D</button></menu><articlerole="tabpanel"id="tab-A">Tab A is active</article><articlerole="tabpanel"id="tab-B"hidden>Tab B is active</article><articlerole="tabpanel"id="tab-C"hidden>Tab C is active</article><articlerole="tabpanel"id="tab-D"hidden>Tab D is inactive</article></section>
A text box (also referred to as an edit control) is a
rectangular control where the user enters or edits text. It can
be defined to support a single line or multiple lines of text.
Text boxes can rendered by specifying a text type on an
input element. As with checkboxes and radio buttons, you
should provide a corresponding label with a properly set for
attribute, and wrap both in a container with the field-row class.
A tree view control is a special list box control
that displays a set of objects as an indented outline based
on their logical hierarchical relationship.
To render a tree view, use an ul element with the
tree-view class. The children of this list (li
elements), can contain whatever you'd like.
We can put
✨ Whatever ✨
We want in here
Show code
<ulclass="tree-view has-container"><li>We can put</li><li><strongstyle="color: purple">✨ Whatever ✨</strong></li><li>We want in here</li></ul>
To make this a tree, we can nest further ul elements
(no class needed on these). This will provide them with indentation
to illustrate the hierarchical relations of the tree.
To create collapsible sections, wrap child lists inside details elements.
Table of Contents
What is web development?
Avoid at all costs
Special Thanks
Show code
<ulclass="tree-view has-container"><li>Table of Contents</li><li>What is web development?</li><li>
<ul><li>Selectors</li><li>Specificity</li><li>Properties</li></ul></li><li><detailsopen><summary>JavaScript</summary><ul><li>Avoid at all costs</li><li><details><summary>Unless</summary><ul><li>Avoid</li><li><details><summary>At</summary><ul><li>Avoid</li><li>At</li><li>All</li><li>Cost</li></ul></details></li><li>All</li><li>Cost</li></ul></details></li></ul></details></li><li>HTML</li><li>Special Thanks</li></ul>
The has-connector class may be used to render a dotted border to illustrate
the structure more clearly, and the has-collapse-button class to change
the expand/collapse carets to buttons.
Avoid at all costs
Show code
<ulclass="tree-view has-collapse-button has-connector has-container"><detailsopen><summary>JavaScript</summary><ul><li>Avoid at all costs</li><li><details><summary>Unless</summary><ul><li>Avoid</li><li><details><summary>At</summary><ul><li>Avoid</li><li>At</li><li>All</li><li>Cost</li></ul></details></li><li>All</li><li>Cost</li></ul></details></li></ul></details></ul>
The following components illustrate how to build complete windows using
Title Bar
At the top edge of the window, inside its border, is the title bar
(also reffered to as the caption or caption bar), which extends across
the width of the window. The title bar identifies the contents of the
Include command buttons associated with the common commands of the
primary window in the title bar. These buttons act as shortcuts to specific
window commands.
You can build a complete title bar by making use of three classes,
title-bar, title-bar-text, and title-bar-controls.
A Title Bar
Show code
<divclass="title-bar"><divclass="title-bar-text">A Title Bar</div><divclass="title-bar-controls"><buttonaria-label="Close"></button></div></div>
We make use of aria-label to render the Close button, to let
assistive technologies know the intent of this button. You may also use
"Minimize", "Maximize", "Restore" and "Help" like so:
A Title Bar
A maximized Title Bar
A help Title Bar
Show code
<divclass="title-bar"><divclass="title-bar-text">A Title Bar</div><divclass="title-bar-controls"><buttonaria-label="Minimize"></button><buttonaria-label="Maximize"></button><buttonaria-label="Close"></button></div></div><br><divclass="title-bar"><divclass="title-bar-text">A maximized Title Bar</div><divclass="title-bar-controls"><buttonaria-label="Minimize"></button><buttonaria-label="Restore"></button><buttonaria-label="Close"></button></div></div><br><divclass="title-bar"><divclass="title-bar-text">A help Title Bar</div><divclass="title-bar-controls"><buttonaria-label="Help"></button><buttonaria-label="Close"></button></div></div>
Alternatively, you can use the is-close, is-minimize,
is-maximize, is-restore, is-help classes to target the respective
controls for your styling preference.
To give our title bar a home, we wrap it in a window container.
This provides a drop shadow to it. We can freely resize the window by specifying
a width in the container style.
Every window has a boundary that defines its shape.
To draw the contents of the window, we use the window-body
class under the title bar. You may use the has-space class to add some padding
to the window body.
A window with contents
There's so much room for activities!
Show code
<divclass="window active"style="max-width: 300px"><divclass="title-bar"><divclass="title-bar-text">A window with contents</div><divclass="title-bar-controls"><buttonaria-label="Minimize"></button><buttonaria-label="Maximize"></button><buttonaria-label="Close"></button></div></div><divclass="window-body has-space"><p>There's so much room for activities!</p></div></div>
Another window with contents
Set your listening preferences
You create the content for each tab by using an article tag.
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<divclass="window active"style="max-width: 400px"><divclass="title-bar"><divclass="title-bar-text">Another window with contents</div><divclass="title-bar-controls"><buttonaria-label="Minimize"></button><buttonaria-label="Maximize"></button><buttonaria-label="Close"></button></div></div><divclass="window-body has-space"><menurole="tablist"aria-label="Window with Tabs"><buttonrole="tab"aria-controls="music"aria-selected="true">Music</button><buttonrole="tab"aria-controls="dogs">Dogs</button><buttonrole="tab"aria-controls="food">Food</button></menu><articlerole="tabpanel"id="music"><p>Set your listening preferences</p><fieldset><legend>Today's mood</legend><divclass="field-row"><inputid="radio30"type="radio"name="fieldset-example2"><labelfor="radio30">Nicki Minaj</label></div><divclass="field-row"><inputid="radio31"type="radio"name="fieldset-example2"><labelfor="radio31">Bell Towers</label></div><divclass="field-row"><inputid="radio32"type="radio"name="fieldset-example2"><labelfor="radio32">The Glamorous Monique</label></div><divclass="field-row"><inputid="radio33"type="radio"name="fieldset-example2"><labelfor="radio33">EN. V</label></div></fieldset><sectionclass="field-row"><button>Reset Alarm...</button><label>Try this to get some attention</label></section></article><articlerole="tabpanel"hiddenid="dogs"><imgstyle="width: 100%"src="" /></article><articlerole="tabpanel"hiddenid="food"><p>
You create the content for each tab by using an <code>article</code> tag.
</p><iframewidth="100%"height="200"src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/TODJBQ0tnow"frameborder="0"allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture"allowfullscreen></iframe></article><sectionclass="field-row"style="justify-content: flex-end"><buttonclass="default">OK</button><button>Cancel</button></section></div></div>
Status Bar
A status bar is a special area within a window, typically the bottom, that displays information
about the current state of what is being viewed in the window or any other contextual information, such as
You can render a status bar with the status-bar class,
and status-bar-field for every child text element.
A Window With A Status Bar
There are just so many possibilities:
A Task Manager
A Notepad
Or even a File Explorer!
Press F1 for help
Slide 1
CPU Usage: 14%
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<divclass="window"style="max-width: 320px"><divclass="title-bar"><divclass="title-bar-text">A Window With A Status Bar</div></div><divclass="window-body has-space"><p> There are just so many possibilities:</p><ul><li>A Task Manager</li><li>A Notepad</li><li>Or even a File Explorer!</li></ul></div><divclass="status-bar"><pclass="status-bar-field">Press F1 for help</p><pclass="status-bar-field">Slide 1</p><pclass="status-bar-field">CPU Usage: 14%</p></div></div>
Glass frame & Color
The glass window frames are a striking new aspect of the Microsoft Windows aesthetic,
aiming to be both attractive and lightweight. These translucent frames give windows
an open, less intrusive appearance, helping users focus on content and functionality
rather than the interface surrounding it.
You can produce this "striking aspect" of the window with a glass class.
The window frame then becomes translucent, the background is blurred behind the window.
If you want to override the default color of the window, you can redefine the
--window-background-color variable as an inline value of the style attribute.
A violet window frame
You can change the window color just as simple.
A glass violet window frame
And even the glass window frame as well.
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<divclass="window active"style="max-width: 100%; margin: 0 1.5em; --window-background-color: #805ba5;"><divclass="title-bar"><divclass="title-bar-text">A violet window frame</div><divclass="title-bar-controls"><buttonaria-label="Minimize"></button><buttonaria-label="Close"></button></div></div><divclass="window-body has-space"><p>You can change the window color just as simple.</p></div></div><divclass="background"><divclass="window glass active"style="max-width: 100%; --window-background-color: #805ba5;"><divclass="title-bar"><divclass="title-bar-text">A glass violet window frame</div><divclass="title-bar-controls"><buttonaria-label="Minimize"></button><buttonaria-label="Close"></button></div></div><divclass="window-body has-space"><p>And even the glass window frame as well.</p></div></div></div>
Dialog Box
A dialog box is a secondary window that allows users to perform a command,
asks users a question, or provides users with information or progress feedback.
Without JavaScript, a dialog box can be triggered by utilizing the URL fragment of an a element
(denoted by the # sign), targeting a corresponding dialog box element with the matching id.
For accessibility, define the role="dialog" attribute on the element.
Additionally, label the dialog using the aria-labelledby attribute, with the value
pointing to the id of the title bar's text element.
<ahref="#dialog-demo">Open Dialog</a><divclass="window active is-bright"id="dialog-demo"role="dialog"aria-labelledby="dialog-title"><divclass="title-bar"><divclass="title-bar-text"id="dialog-title">Problem Diagnostics</div><divclass="title-bar-controls"><buttonaria-label="Close"onclick="history.back()"></button></div></div><divclass="window-body has-space"><h2class="instruction instruction-primary">Identifying your problem...</h2><divrole="progressbar"class="marquee"></div></div><footerstyle="text-align: right"><buttononclick="history.back()">Cancel</button></footer></div>